Are you wondering how much it costs to have your wisdom teeth removed?
Wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure that approximately 85% of people need in their lifetime.
This article will give you an idea of what the average price is and why they are needed to be removed.
The Cost of wisdom teeth removal can range from $75 to $250 per tooth. Impacted wisdom teeth cost between $200 – $600 per tooth. All 4 wisdom teeth removal typically cost around $600 – $1100. A single wisdom tooth extraction cost with General anesthesia sedation varies from $600 – $1100.

Factors That Will Determine The Cost Of Your Wisdom Teeth Removal
Your dentist will consider a variety of factors to determine the best course of action for your treatment, and that includes determining a price. In general, wisdom teeth removal costs more than routine dental procedures, but it can vary depending on the circumstances.
Here are some factors that will help determine the cost:
- The number of teeth being removed. The more teeth you need to have removed, the more expensive the procedure will be.
- Local anesthesia vs. general anesthesia. Local anesthesia numbs just the area around your mouth, while general anesthesia puts you to sleep during the procedure. As you can imagine, general anesthesia will cost more than local.
- The number of teeth being removed determine the cost of your wisdom teeth removal. If you have one tooth or all four impacted, the price will likely be different.
The Number Of teeth being Removed
The level of complexity involved in your wisdom tooth surgery can also affect the cost. Some people have teeth that are quite easy to remove and others have roots that are curved and make it much more difficult for the dentist to access. The more complex the procedure, the higher the cost will likely be.
Your wisdom teeth may also need to be extracted from a surgical site that is infected or impacted by other structures, such as nerves and sinus cavities. This can complicate the procedure and add to the overall cost of wisdom tooth extraction.
The Type Of Anesthesia Needed: Local anesthesia vs. general anesthesia
Some dentists have a sliding fee scale based on income and family size if you don’t have insurance or can’t afford to pay for your dental treatment out-of-pocket. Ask your dentist if they offer this option when you get a quote for your procedure.
The type of anesthesia used during your wisdom teeth extraction can increase or decrease the overall price you’ll pay for your surgery. It’s fairly common for oral surgeons to use an IV anesthetic in addition to sedation dentistry during wisdom tooth extraction, which can contribute to a higher bill than if you had
The main difference between local anesthesia and general anesthesia is that local anesthesia numbs the area around your wisdom teeth while general anesthesia puts your whole body to sleep so that you won’t be awake when your wisdom teeth are removed.
In most cases, patients with healthy mouths under the age of 25 choose local anesthesia because it’s cheaper and has fewer risks than general anesthesia. Patients who are older and have more dental health problems often choose general anesthesia because they want to avoid pain and discomfort during their procedure.
Many patients will choose local anesthesia at first, but if they end up needing surgery due to complications like the tooth being impacted or wisdom teeth growing in at an odd angle, they’ll need to go under general anesthesia for their procedure.
Insurance Coverage.
Your insurance may cover part of or all of the cost of wisdom teeth removal. Make sure to check with them in advance so you know what to expect before your appointment. The cost of teeth removal with insurance varies by plan, but most dental insurance covers at least part of the expense if your surgery is medically necessary and performed by an in-network dentist or oral surgeon.
The cost of wisdom teeth removal will ultimately depend on your insurance coverage and the type of procedure you require. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, then it is likely that your oral surgeon will need to perform surgery to remove them.
This can range anywhere from $100 to $1,000 depending on how many wisdom teeth you have and how complex the surgery is. If your wisdom teeth are not impacted, then they may simply be extracted at a much lower cost.
Wisdom teeth removal can be an expensive procedure if you don’t have dental insurance. However, if you do have dental insurance, the cost of this procedure can be significantly reduced or even eliminated. Depending on your plan, you could be responsible for paying a portion of the total bill out of pocket.
The Location Of Your Dentist Or Oral Surgeon
The location of your dentist or oral surgeon will determine the cost of your wisdom teeth removal. In general, dentists and oral surgeons who work in rural areas charge less for wisdom teeth removal than those in urban areas.
According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, the average cost of removing all four wisdom teeth is $2,500 without insurance. The cost can become very expensive if you need to be put under for the procedure. In addition, if your wisdom teeth are impacted, it can raise the price to $4,000 or more depending on how complex your case is.
Wisdom teeth removal is an important procedure that many people need to get done. It’s one of those things that most of us will have to take care of at some point, and the best way to handle it is to be prepared for what you might have to spend.
Most insurance companies cover wisdom teeth removal, but there are many factors that can affect the cost of your procedure. Every dental office has a different policy, so you’ll want to call your insurance company or your dentist’s office before making any decisions about how much it will cost.
Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last adult teeth to come through the gums and into place (usually between ages 18-21). They are considered wisdom teeth because they typically come through at a time when you are an adult or young adult and wiser than when your other permanent teeth came through. These new teeth can become impacted or misaligned, or sometimes not come in at all, which is why they need to be removed by an oral surgeon.
How Much Does It Cost To Remove Wisdom Teeth
Removing wisdom teeth can cost you somewhere between $75 – $250 per tooth. The impacted wisdom tooth will cost between $200 – $600. Extracting all four wisdom teeth together will cost you around $600 – $1100. Removing just one wisdom tooth, including general anesthesia, will cost you about $600 – $1100.
These prices vary depending on if you have dental insurance coverage or not. Extraction prices vary from state to state and city to city. In some areas, an extraction might be as low as $75 per tooth but in other areas it could be as high as $400 per tooth. The average price for a simple extraction for all four wisdom teeth is about $600-800 out-of-pocket. This is where the word “average” gets tricky since it refers to both the low and high ends of the spectrum.