How Much Does A Gallon Of Gas Weigh
These questions are crucial when deciding what to utilize for your vehicle, tools, and equipment, as well as your emergency power supply. Yes, we’ll assume you’re interested in the weight of gasoline rather than any form of gas (e.g. oxygen).
As weight is dependent on other factors, the answer is, of course, relative. According to the Science and Technology Desk Reference, a gallon of gasoline in the United States weighs around 6 pounds. A gallon of water in the United States weighs around 8.4 pounds.

Let’s go over the basic math together to obtain a better understanding of how much gas weighs and why.
The quality criteria for gasoline are between 0.71 and 0.78 g/cm3 in a standard density measurement of 15°C (59°F), according to ASTM D4052 (The Standard test procedure for density, relative density, and API gravity of liquids by Digital Density Meter).
So, with a density of 0.78 g/mL (the maximum), 1 gallon = 4 qts, 1 liter equals 1.1 qt, and 1000 ml equals 1 liter, we get 2836 grams. Because 454g Equals 1 pound, a gallon of gasoline weighs 6.2 pounds in the United States. We would have gotten exactly 6 pounds if the average density had been higher than 0.78 g/mL.
Another approach to figure it out is to take the Imperial gallon value and convert it to US gallons. So, if one Imperial gallon of water weighs 10 pounds and the density of gasoline is 0.73 g/mL this time, one Imperial gallon of gasoline weighs 7.3 pounds. Because one US gallon equals 0.83 Imperial gallons, we can simply multiply 7.3 by 0.83 to get the weight of a gallon of gasoline, which is 6.059 pounds.
The metric values can also be examined. To do so, we must first consider that 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilogram. If we choose a specific gravity of 0.72, we get 3.78 liters for US gallons and 4.54 liters for Imperial gallons. This is a simple calculation to perform because the Imperial and Metric figures are based on water with a specific gravity of 1. It’s easy to remember 1 kg per liter or 10 pounds per gallon.
Diesel has a density of approximately 0.832 g/cm3 or 0.834 kg/gallon of diesel and has a mass of 6.943 pounds per gallon, making it slightly heavier than gasoline. So, the United States The number for the Imperial system is 8.338 pounds per Imperial gallon.
A gallon of fuel weighs roughly 8.34 pounds or 3.78 kilograms. The weight of a gallon of gasoline is dependent on the octane level, with high octane fuel weighing more than lower octane fuel due to its higher nitrous content.
Before, I proceed further I would like to explain a few terminologies for the set of people who aren’t that familiar with the meaning of the following relating terms
- Octane rating: An octane rating is assigned to a particular type of gasolene and it signifies how much the gas is going to ignite under pressure before it explodes in your engine and causes serious engine damage. The higher the octane number, the better for your car’s engine. The higher the octane rating, the more resistant to knock your fuel resists.
- Gasoline: A combustible liquid that is used for energy sources by cars and trucks. Ideal for engines that produce a lot of power through the combustion of fuel in an internal combustion engine (ICE). Gasoline contains additives to reduce corrosion and deposits from such as sunlight or road chemicals that can build up inside a gas tank.
- EPA: The Environmental Protection Agency, is a government agency responsible for monitoring the production, import, and distribution of thousands of chemicals and protecting the environment.
- Knock The noise and vibration caused by the pre-ignition of fuel in an internal combustion engine. When this happens, instead of using a spark to ignite the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber, the fuel ignites prematurely before the spark plug fires. This can damage your engine. Higher octane fuels resist knocking better than lower octane fuels. That’s why the higher the octane number, the more resistant to knock your fuel resists.
- Fuel: A combustible material made up of hydrocarbons that are used to move a vehicle. In this case, we are talking about gasolene, a liquid that is made of hydrogen and carbon and can be found in every gas station. Gaseous fuels also exist, but they require a specialized engine and are not widely produced or used in vehicles.
- Gas station: A location where gasoline is stored and offered for sale to customers via pumps.
What Is The Weight Of A Gallon Of Gas?
Here are some interesting facts about gas prices that you probably don’t know:
- A gallon of regular gasoline weighs 6 pounds, more than a gallon of milk or a gallon of beer.
- For this reason, truck drivers must pay more per mile in tolls than car drivers. In Colorado and Utah, truck drivers pay $0.13 per mile while cars pay just $0.10 per mile, so a truck driver would have to travel an additional 68 miles to earn the price of one gallon of gas.
- Gasoline expands when it is superheated during combustion and as a result, must be cooled before it can be poured into the tank.
- The owner of an American luxury car, or a large SUV or pickup, pays $1.85 per gallon. In contrast, a driver who fills up his tank at a big-box discount store pays an average of $1.11 per gallon
- The gasoline tax is based on its octane rating (whether the gas has more than 10% oxygen). A higher octane value means more density and more resistance to knock and pre-ignition (knocking). As a result, the price of high-octane gasoline is higher than low-octane
- The average fuel economy of new cars in the US has decreased by roughly 18% since 1980. In that year, the average consumption was 24.1 miles per gallon while today it is only 20 miles per gallon.
- A gallon of gas contains about 18kWh of energy, i.e., enough to power a 60W lightbulb for just 1 hour and 22 minutes (70% efficiency).
Gasoline prices are a controversial subject, desired by consumers but criticized by everyone else. We’ve explained who sets the price and how it is calculated, but what are the factors that determine the going rate?
Is It Worth It To Drive Around Looking For Cheaper Gas?
The short answer is maybe. It depends on how much you drive and whether it’s worth the time spent looking for cheaper gas.
Whether or not you’ll save money by driving around looking for cheaper gas depends on two things: how much you drive and what your car gets for fuel economy.
Here is a calculation to help find out if it’s worth it to drive around looking for cheaper gas:
Let’s say that you have a 20-mile commute to work 2 times per day, 5 days a week. Also, assume that your gas mileage is 20MPG. Now let’s assume that the cheapest gas in your area is $3 per gallon, while the most expensive is $5 per gallon.
Finally, assume that you spend an hour a day looking for cheaper gas (a conservative estimate). When all is said and done, here are the results:
- 5 days/week×2 drive times per day×20 mile round trip=120 miles/week.
- 3 gallons per 20 miles drive time×120 miles/week=360 gallons/week
- $5 per gallon-$3 per gallon=$2 savings/gallon.
- $2 savings/gallon x 360 gallons = $720 savings per week, or $3360 a year.
- Based on these estimates, you would need to spend about 33 hours (1.7 hours/week) driving around looking for cheaper gas to save $720.
How Much Is Oil Nowadays?
Oil is the most important mineral commodity in the world economy. It represents a major source of energy and is used to make hundreds of products, including plastics, medicines, and transportation equipment.
The fact that oil production depends on the extraction of oil from wells means that supply and demand play a large role in price determination. This means that it’s impossible to predict how the price will change over time, but we can try to understand how it reached today’s level. To do this, we’ll look at some factors that determine market prices.
In the modern economy, the price of a product is determined by supply and demand.
Here, we will look at the factors that affect oil demand, as well as it’s supply.
Factors that affect oil demand:
1. Economic growth: Demand for oil rises when countries have a growing economy because this leads to more fuel consumption (e.g., more cars on the road). This helps explain why oil consumption increases in emerging markets as they become richer.
2. Oil-producing countries getting richer: As oil-producing countries get richer (becoming higher-income countries), per capita consumption rises, even though growth in overall consumption may be steady or even fall slightly.
3. Demand for oil products in petrochemical plants: Oil demand is higher in countries with strong chemical industries. Examples include China, Japan, and the United States. Increasing supply has played an important role because it’s generally not possible to meet demand only through growth.